Hi guys I have a little problem with my topics when I converted from vBulletin forum which stores topics as bbcode in the database to another forum board that use HTML instead, and I have about 4500 topic.

My request is a script or even an SQL query or any thing to convert all the topic table from BBCodes to HTML.

note: I tried an SQL replace query to replace each BBCode to its equivalent like: [center] to <p> and so on, it worked but the the post wasn't well arranged but the link and image code seems to be good .

So please any help to convert all the topics in the same time ?


1 回答 1



我相信您最好的选择是创建某种脚本(例如 PHP),以实际选择所有帖子记录,解析它们(PHP 具有BBCode 库),然后逐一更新每个帖子。

准备好的语句可以极大地降低性能,并且由于您(希望)只需要执行一次,因此它可能需要的不仅仅是偶尔的 PHP 脚本。

于 2013-08-16T16:19:27.480 回答