我使用 Async.Catch 来处理异步工作流引发的异常:

|> Async.Catch
|> Async.RunSynchronously
|> fun x -> match x with
            | Choice1Of2 _ -> () // success
            | Choice2Of2 ex -> // failure, handle exception

今天我注意到 OperationCanceledExceptions 不是由 Async.Catch 处理的。异常没有从 Async.Catch 获得选择,而是不断冒泡,直到它击中我。我预计以下测试是红色的,但它是绿色的:

  let ``Async.Catch doesnt work on OperationCancelledExceptions``() =
    use cancellationTokenSource = new System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource(1000)

    let work = async {
      while true do
        do! Async.Sleep 100

    (fun () -> work
               |> Async.Catch
               |> fun x -> Async.RunSynchronously (x, cancellationToken=cancellationTokenSource.Token)
               |> ignore)
    |> should throw typeof<System.OperationCanceledException>

使用 Async.Catch + Choices + 匹配评估一些异常以及使用 try/catch 块评估其他一些异常似乎不正确......它看起来像下面这样,这太复杂了。除此之外,我想知道 Async.Catch 有什么用途,因为无论如何我都必须使用 try/catch 块......:

  let ``evaluating exceptions of async workflows``() =
    use cancellationTokenSource = new System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource(1000)

    let work = async {
      while true do
        do! Async.Sleep 100

      |> Async.Catch
      |> fun x -> Async.RunSynchronously (x, cancellationToken=cancellationTokenSource.Token)
      |> fun x -> match x with
                  | Choice1Of2 result -> () // success, process result
                  | Choice2Of2 ex -> () // failure, handle exception
    with ex -> () // another failure, handle exception here too

处理异步工作流异常的最佳方法是什么?我应该只转储 Async.Catch 并在任何地方使用 try/catch 块吗?


1 回答 1




type Async = 
  static member StartCatchCancellation(work, ?cancellationToken) = 
    Async.FromContinuations(fun (cont, econt, _) ->
      // When the child is cancelled, report OperationCancelled
      // as an ordinary exception to "error continuation" rather
      // than using "cancellation continuation"
      let ccont e = econt e
      // Start the workflow using a provided cancellation token
      Async.StartWithContinuations( work, cont, econt, ccont, 
                                    ?cancellationToken=cancellationToken) )

用法类似于Async.Catch,但您必须将取消令牌传递给StartCatchCancellation而不是将其传递给 main RunSynchronously(因为工作流是单独启动的):

let work = 
  async { while true do
            do! Async.Sleep 100 }

let ct = new System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource(10000)
Async.StartCatchCancellation(work, ct.Token) 
|> Async.Catch
|> Async.RunSynchronously 
|> printfn "%A"
于 2013-08-16T14:37:17.437 回答