Field1 Field2 Field3 Field4
'aaa' null '' null
FieldName Question Section
'Field1' 'Q1' 'Sec1'
'Field2' 'Q2' 'Sec1'
'Field3' 'Q3' 'Sec2'
'Field4' 'Q4' 'Sec2'
Section UnansweredQs
'Sec1' 'Q2'
'Sec2' 'Q3, Q4'
create table #testData (f1 varchar(50), f2 int, f3 varchar(50), f4 varchar(50))
create table #qlist (fieldName varchar(5), question varchar(3), section varchar(5))
insert into #qlist values ('f1', 'q1', 'sec1'), ('f2', 'q2', 'sec1'), ('f3', 'q3', 'sec2'), ('f4', 'q4', 'sec2')
insert into #testData values ('asda', null, '', null)
declare @usql nvarchar(max) = ''
declare @sql nvarchar(max)
declare @xml xml
--build a gargantuan set of union statements, comparing the column value to null/'' and putting q# if it is
set @usql =
select 'select case when ' + c.name + ' is null or ' + c.Name + ' = '''' then ''' + q.question + ', '' else '''' end from #testData union '
from tempdb..syscolumns c
inner join #qlist q
on c.name = q.fieldName
where c.id = object_id('tempdb..#testData')
for xml path('')
--remove the last 'union', append for xml path to pivot the rows into a single column of concatenated rows
set @usql = left(@usql, len(@usql) - 6) + ' for xml path('''')'
print @usql
--remove final comma
--get the position of the last comma in the select statment (ie after the final unanswered question)
declare @lastComma int = charindex(',', reverse(@usql))
--add the bit before the last comma, and the bit after the last comma but skip the actual comma :)
set @usql = left(@usql, len(@usql) - @lastComma) + right(@usql, @lastComma - 2)
exec (@usql)
q2, q3, q4
但是我无法将该结果集放入另一个表或变量中(通过insert into #tmpresult exec (@usql)
通常带有Msg 1086, Level 15, State 1, Line 1
The FOR XML clause is invalid in views, inline functions, derived tables, and subqueries when they contain a set operator. To work around, wrap the SELECT containing a set operator using derived table syntax and apply FOR XML on top of it.