我是perl的新手,所以请原谅我的无知。(我使用的是 Windows 7)

我借用了 echicken 的线程示例脚本,并想用它作为脚本的基础来进行许多系统调用,但我遇到了一个超出我理解的问题。为了说明我看到的问题,我在下面的示例代码中执行了一个简单的 ping 命令。

  • $nb_process是允许的数量或同时运行的线程。
  • $nb_compute作为我们想要运行子例程的次数(即我们将发出 ping 命令的总次数)。



如果我删除系统调用(ping 命令),它工作正常。

我看到其他系统调用的行为相同(它不仅仅是 ping)。


#!/opt/local/bin/perl -w  
 use threads;  
 use strict;  
 use warnings;  

 my @a = ();  
 my @b = ();  

 sub sleeping_sub ( $ $ $ ); 

 print "Starting main program\n";  

 my $nb_process = 3;  
 my $nb_compute = 6;  
 my $i=0;  
 my @running = ();  
 my @Threads;  
 while (scalar @Threads < $nb_compute) {  

     @running = threads->list(threads::running);  
     print "LOOP $i\n";  
     print "  - BEGIN LOOP >> NB running threads = ".(scalar @running)."\n";  

     if (scalar @running < $nb_process) {  
         my $thread = threads->new( sub { sleeping_sub($i, \@a, \@b) });  
         push (@Threads, $thread);  
         my $tid = $thread->tid;  
         print "  - starting thread $tid\n";  
     @running = threads->list(threads::running);  
     print "  - AFTER STARTING >> NB running Threads = ".(scalar @running)."\n";  
     foreach my $thr (@Threads) {  
         if ($thr->is_running()) {  
             my $tid = $thr->tid;  
             print "  - Thread $tid running\n";  
         elsif ($thr->is_joinable()) {  
             my $tid = $thr->tid;  
             print "  - Results for thread $tid:\n";  
             print "  - Thread $tid has been joined\n";  

     @running = threads->list(threads::running);  
     print "  - END LOOP >> NB Threads = ".(scalar @running)."\n";  

 print "\nJOINING pending threads\n";  
 while (scalar @running != 0) {  
    foreach my $thr (@Threads) {  
         $thr->join if ($thr->is_joinable());  
     @running = threads->list(threads::running);  
 print "NB started threads = ".(scalar @Threads)."\n";  
 print "End of main program\n";  

 sub sleeping_sub ( $ $ $ ) { 
    my @res2 = `ping`; 
    print "\n@res2";

1 回答 1




  • 永远不要使用原型,除非你确切地知道它们的意思。
  • sleeping_sub不使用它的任何参数。
  • 你经常使用这个threads::running列表,却没有考虑这是否真的正确。

似乎您只想一次运行N个工作人员,但想总共启动M个工作人员。这是一个相当优雅的实现方式。主要思想是我们在线程之间有一个队列,刚刚完成的线程可以将它们的线程 ID 加入队列。然后将加入该线程。为了限制线程数,我们使用信号量:

use threads; use strict; use warnings;
use feature 'say';  # "say" works like "print", but appends newline.
use Thread::Queue;
use Thread::Semaphore;

my @pieces_of_work = 1..6;
my $num_threads = 3;
my $finished_threads = Thread::Queue->new;
my $semaphore = Thread::Semaphore->new($num_threads);

for my $task (@pieces_of_work) {
  $semaphore->down;  # wait for permission to launch a thread

  say "Starting a new thread...";

  # create a new thread in scalar context
  threads->new({ scalar => 1 }, sub {
    my $result = worker($task);                # run actual task
    $finished_threads->enqueue(threads->tid);  # report as joinable "in a second"
    $semaphore->up;                            # allow another thread to be launched
    return $result;

  # maybe join some threads
  while (defined( my $thr_id = $finished_threads->dequeue_nb )) {

# wait for all threads to be finished, by "down"ing the semaphore:
$semaphore->down for 1..$num_threads;
# end the finished thread ID queue:

# join any threads that are left:
while (defined( my $thr_id = $finished_threads->dequeue )) {


sub worker {
  my ($task) = @_;
  sleep rand 2; # sleep random amount of time
  return $task + rand; # return some number

sub join_thread {
  my ($tid) = @_;
  my $thr = threads->object($tid);
  my $result = $thr->join;
  say "Thread #$tid returned $result";


Starting a new thread...
Starting a new thread...
Starting a new thread...
Starting a new thread...
Thread #3 returned 3.05652608754778
Starting a new thread...
Thread #1 returned 1.64777186731541
Thread #2 returned 2.18426146087901
Starting a new thread...
Thread #4 returned 4.59414651998983
Thread #6 returned 6.99852684265667
Thread #5 returned 5.2316971836585



与繁忙的循环相比,这种模式的主要好处是使用的 CPU 少得多。这也缩短了一般执行时间。

虽然这是一个很大的改进,但我们可以做得更好!产生线程是昂贵的:这基本上是fork()在 Unix 系统上没有所有的写时复制优化。复制整个解释器,包括您已经创建的所有变量、所有状态等


use threads; use strict; use warnings;
use feature 'say';
use Thread::Queue;
use Thread::Semaphore;

# define I/O queues
my $input_q  = Thread::Queue->new;
my $output_q = Thread::Queue->new;

# spawn the workers
my $num_threads = 3;
my $all_finished_s = Thread::Semaphore->new(1 - $num_threads); # a negative start value!
my @workers;
for (1 .. $num_threads) {
  push @workers, threads->new( { scalar => 1 }, sub {
    while (defined( my $task = $input_q->dequeue )) {
      my $result = worker($task);
      $output_q->enqueue([$task, $result]);
    # we get here when the input queue is exhausted.
    # end the output queue if we are the last thread (the semaphore is > 0).
    if ($all_finished_s->down_nb) {

# fill the input queue with tasks
my @pieces_of_work = 1 .. 6;
$input_q->enqueue($_) for @pieces_of_work;

# finish the input queue
$input_q->enqueue(undef) for 1 .. $num_threads;

# do something with the data
while (defined( my $result = $output_q->dequeue )) {
  my ($task, $answer) = @$result;
  say "Task $task produced $answer";

# join the workers:
$_->join for @workers;


Task 1 produced 1.15207098293783
Task 4 produced 4.31247785766295
Task 5 produced 5.96967474718984
Task 6 produced 6.2695013168678
Task 2 produced 2.02545636412421
Task 3 produced 3.22281619053999



于 2013-08-16T13:04:40.443 回答