我希望有人能告诉我我是否配置错误或者这是 Heroku 错误。
当我给大学里的某个人发电子邮件时,不知何故,这封电子邮件在电子邮件地址中带有一个不存在的 herokuapp 扩展名。然后,当人们尝试回复时,它会退回,因为该电子邮件不存在。下面是一个例子。
我希望我的 CName 配置错误或其他什么。我没有使用 A 记录,所有 CName 记录。我的第一个 CNAME 记录是一个 @ 记录,其值为challengage.herokuapp.com。
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David DiMaggio
Date: Monday, July 15, 2013
Subject: FW: Challengage - Work Team Simulation product for interviewing evaluations
To: "Paul Klopfer (paul@challengage.com)" <paul@challengage.com>
This is the message below that I receive when I reply to your emails that come from this address: paul@challengage.herokuapp.com
David C. DiMaggio
Program Manager
CASE Co-op Program
Syracuse University
Center for Science & Technology
Room 1-232
Syracuse, NY 13244-4100
315-443-5018; Fax 315-443-4745
Cell: 315-436-1124
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From: Mail Delivery Subsystem [mailto:MAILER-DAEMON@smtp2.syr.edu]
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:08 PM
To: David DiMaggio
Subject: Undeliverable: FW: Challengage - Work Team Simulation product for interviewing evaluations
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Mon, 8 Jul 2013 12:36:26 -0400
From: David DiMaggio <ddimaggi@syr.edu>
To: "'Paul Klopfer'" <paul@challengage.herokuapp.com>
CC: "'Hendrickson, Cindy (GE Corporate)'" <lucinda.hendrickson@ge.com>
Subject: RE: FW: Challengage - Work Team Simulation product for interviewing
Thread-Topic: FW: Challengage - Work Team Simulation product for
interviewing evaluations
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