免责声明:这个问题是关于一个一般概念。我已经“简化”了这个问题,以便我可以在这里清楚地问它——无需提供它实际应用的整个上下文。我已经可以预见到一堆评论,比如“你为什么要那样做?” 但是,如果这个问题可以从表面上看,我将不胜感激!
假设您想在运行时从一些预定义的结构中动态合成 C 中的一些数据结构。
. 我还定义了一个结构FooBar
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
typedef struct Foo {
char junk1;
char junk2;
} Foo;
typedef struct Bar {
int junk3;
int junk4;
} Bar;
typedef struct FooBar {
Foo foo;
Bar bar;
} FooBar;
int main()
printf("Sizes: %li, %li, %li\n", sizeof(Foo), sizeof(Bar), sizeof(FooBar));
// Prints: Sizes: 2, 8, 12
// Because Foo is aligned on 1-byte boundaries and has total size of 2 bytes.
// Bar is aligned on 4-byte boundaries and has total size of 8 bytes.
// But FooBar is aligned on 4-byte boundaries due to the ints in Foo. Therefore,
// the compiler added 2-bytes of padding after the foo member.
// The following "works", but only allocates 10 bytes, and
// "Bar" members are now "misaligned":
void * syntheticFooBar = malloc(sizeof(Foo) + sizeof(Bar));
((Foo*)syntheticFooBar)->junk1 = 1;
((Foo*)syntheticFooBar)->junk2 = 2;
((Bar*)(syntheticFooBar + sizeof(Foo)))->junk3 = 3;
((Bar*)(syntheticFooBar + sizeof(Foo)))->junk4 = 4;
return 0;
1.) 缺乏正确的数据对齐会对性能造成多大的影响?考虑到访问合成结构的“成员”所涉及的开销,数据对齐甚至是一个重要的促成因素吗?
2.) 考虑到运行时综合的限制,有没有更好的方法来做到这一点?