Given a CPAN dist file (e.g. like Acme-Chef-1.01.tar.gz), what is the algorithm to determine what module-versions are "defined" (or present) in the dist file?

For instance, in the 02packages.details.txt file, there are four lines which correspond to this dist file:

Acme::Chef                         1.01  S/SM/SMUELLER/Acme-Chef-1.01.tar.gz
Acme::Chef::Container              1.00  S/SM/SMUELLER/Acme-Chef-1.01.tar.gz
Acme::Chef::Ingredient             1.00  S/SM/SMUELLER/Acme-Chef-1.01.tar.gz
Acme::Chef::Recipe                 1.00  S/SM/SMUELLER/Acme-Chef-1.01.tar.gz

I basically want to know how those lines are generated.

Is the procedure something like:

  1. find all of the .pm files in the dist file
  2. load each of the .pm files and print out ${ "${pkg}::VERSION"} where $pkg is the package name corresponding to the .pm file name (i.e. if the .pm file name is Foo/Bar.pm then $pkg is Foo::Bar.)

Is there code which does this indexing procedure?

Do you really have to load the module in order to determine what its version is?


1 回答 1


为 PAUSE 执行此操作的实际代码在 GitHub 上。解析包和版本声明的子例程在 lib/PAUSE/pmfile.pm (packages_per_pmfileparse_version) 中。就使 CPAN 工作发生的事情而言,这是权威的,但它不是您想要为自己使用的代码 - PAUSE 已经有将近 20 年的历史了,即使经过最近的一些清理,它仍然很糟糕。



my $mm = Module::Metadata->new_from_file("My/Module.pm");
for my $package ($mm->packages_inside) {
    print "$package: ", $mm->version($package), "\n";


find Acme-Chef-1.01 -name \*.pm \
| perl -MModule::Metadata -ln \
-e 'my $mm = Module::Metadata->new_from_file($_); ' \
-e 'print "$_: ", $mm->version($_) for $mm->packages_inside' \
| sort


Acme::Chef: 1.01
Acme::Chef::Container: 1.00
Acme::Chef::Ingredient: 1.00
Acme::Chef::Recipe: 1.00
于 2013-08-16T06:00:44.337 回答