创建字符串到枚举的映射,以将字符串与枚举Dictionary<string, SpiceLevel>
您还可以使用 Decorator 属性[Name("Red Rose"] Low=1,
public static class Spice
public enum Level
Low = 1,
Medium = 2,
Hot = 3
private static readonly Dictionary<string, Level> spices = new Dictionary<string, Level>{
{ "Red Rose", Level.Low },
{ "White Rose", Level.Medium },
{ "Black Rose", Level.Hot },
public static bool TryGet(string spiceName, out Level spiceLevel) => spices.TryGetValue(spiceName, out spiceLevel);
public static string SpiceName(Level target) => Enum.GetName(typeof(Spice.Level), target);
/// <summary>
/// Some tests to validate it works. This could be a unit test or just in a console app
/// </summary>
public class SpiceTest
public void VerifyBlackRoseIsHot()
string subject = "Black Rose";
Spice.Level expectedSpice;
// Here's the ease of use. Pass a string, get an enum and whether it's a valid string
var result = Spice.TryGet(subject, out expectedSpice);
//Some Assertion from a unit test library
Assert.True(result, $"Unable to find spice '{subject}', when it should exist");
Assert.True(Spice.Level.Hot.Equals(expectedSpice), $"The returned spice '{ Spice.SpiceName(expectedSpice) }' was not the value 'Hot' as expected");