

<!DOCTYPE  html>

<!-- Fig. 2.18 Solution -->
<! __ Includes camel image -->

          <meta charset = "utf-8">
              <title> Homework 1- 2.18 Solution </title>
          <table border = "1"   width = "640" >
                <td><h1> Objectives </h1>
                      <li>  To be able to create tables with rows and
                            columns of data. </li>
                      <li>  To be able to control the display and formatting of tables. </li>
                      <li>   To be able to create and use forms. </li>
                   <em> Yea, from the table of my memory I'll wipe away all 
                        trivial fond records. </em><br  />
                        William Shakespeare.
                   <td><imag src="camel.png"  alt= "Camel picture"
                         height = "310"    width = "200"  />

1 回答 1


您需要使用<img src="camel.png" alt= "Camel picture" height = "310" width = "200" />- 从“imag”中取出“a”。

于 2013-08-15T22:45:22.090 回答