我有一个继承自抽象 Configuration 类的类,然后每个类都实现了 INI 文件、XML、conf 或专有格式的阅读器。我在使用 FakeItEasy 创建要测试的对象时遇到问题。

我正在尝试测试的对象通过依赖注入使用配置对象,因此它可以通过调用 ReadString()、ReadInteger() 等函数来简单地读取配置设置,然后是位置文本(Section、Key for例如,带有 INI)可以以任何格式的配置文件(INI、XML、conf 等)从适当的部分检索。


public class TestFile
    private readonly ConfigurationSettings ConfigurationController_ ;


    public TestFile(ConfigurationSettings ConfigObject)
        this.ConfigurationController_ = ConfigObject;

    public TestFile(XMLFile ConfigObject)
        this.ConfigurationController_ = ConfigObject;

    public TestFile(INIFile ConfigObject)
        this.ConfigurationController_ = ConfigObject;


    private List<string> GetLoginSequence()
        List<string> ReturnText = new List<string>();
        string SignOnFirst = ConfigurationController_.ReadString("SignOn", "SignOnKeyFirst", "Y");
        string SendEnterClear = ConfigurationController_.ReadString("SignOn", "SendEnterClear", "N");

        if (SendEnterClear.Equals("Y", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))

        if (SignOnFirst.Equals("N", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
        return ReturnText;


    public void TestSignOnSequence()

        IniReader FakeINI = A.Fake<IniReader>();

        //Sample Reads:
        //Config.ReadString("SignOn", "SignOnKeyFirst", "Y");
        //Config.ReadString("SignOn", "SendEnterClear", "N");  // Section, Key, Default

        A.CallTo(() => FakeINI.ReadString(A<string>.That.Matches(s => s == "SignOn"), A<string>.That.Matches(s => s == "SendEnterClear"))).Returns("N");
        A.CallTo(() => FakeINI.ReadString(A<string>.That.Matches(s => s == "SignOn"), A<string>.That.Matches(s => s == "SignOnKeyFirst"))).Returns("N");

        A.CallTo(FakeINI).Where( x => x.Method.Name == "ReadInteger").WithReturnType<int>().Returns(1000);

        TestFile TestFileObject = new TestFile(FakeINI);

        List<string> ReturnedKeys = TestFileObject.GetLoginSequence();
        Assert.AreEqual(2, ReturnedKeys.Count, "Ensure all keystrokes are returned");


Test threw Exception:
    The current proxy generator can not intercept the specified method for the following reason:
    - Non virtual methods can not be intercepted.


A.CallTo(FakeINI).Where( x => x.Method.Name == "ReadString").WithReturnType<string>().Returns("N");

上述方法不允许我控制函数对 INI 的不同调用的返回。



public abstract class ConfigurationSettings

    abstract public int ReadInteger(string Section, string Key, int Default);
    abstract public string ReadString(string Section, string Key, string Default);

    public int ReadInteger(string Section, string Key)
    {   return ReadInteger(Section, Key, 0);    }

    public int ReadInteger(string Key, int Default)
    {   return ReadInteger("", Key, Default);   }

    public int ReadInteger(string Key)
    {   return ReadInteger(Key, 0);             }

    public string ReadString(string Section, string Key)
    {   return ReadString(Section, Key, null);  }

public class IniReader : ConfigurationSettings

    public IniReader()

    public IniReader(string PathAndFile) 
        this.PathAndFileName = PathAndFile;

    public override int ReadInteger(string Section, string Key, int Default)
        return GetPrivateProfileInt(Section, Key, Default, PathAndFileName);

    public override string ReadString(string Section, string Key, string Default)
        StringBuilder WorkingString = new StringBuilder(MAX_ENTRY);
        int Return = GetPrivateProfileString(Section, Key, Default, WorkingString, MAX_ENTRY, PathAndFileName);
        return WorkingString.ToString();

1 回答 1


You're getting the

The current proxy generator can not intercept the specified method for the following reason: - Non virtual methods can not be intercepted.

error because you're trying to fake the 2-parameter version of ReadString. Only virtual members, abstract members, or interface members can be faked. Since your two-paremter ReadString is none of these, it can't be faked. I think you should either have a virtual 2-parameter ReadString or fake the 3-parameter ReadString.

Your example pushes me towards faking the 3-parameter ReadString, especially since GetLoginSequence uses that one. Then I think you could just constrain using the expressions (rather than method name strings) and it would all work out.

I made a little test with bits of your code (mostly from before your update) and had success with faking the 3-parameter ReadString:

public void BlairTest()
    IniReader FakeINI = A.Fake<IniReader>();

    A.CallTo(() => FakeINI.ReadString("SignOn", "SendEnterClear", A<string>._)).Returns("N");
    A.CallTo(() => FakeINI.ReadString("SignOn", "SignOnKeyFirst", A<string>._)).Returns("N");

    // Personally, I'd use the above syntax for this one too, but I didn't
    // want to muck too much.
    A.CallTo(FakeINI).Where(x => x.Method.Name == "ReadInteger").WithReturnType<int>().Returns(1000);

    TestFile TestFileObject = new TestFile(FakeINI);

    List<string> ReturnedKeys = TestFileObject.GetLoginSequence();
    Assert.AreEqual(2, ReturnedKeys.Count, "Ensure all keystrokes are returned");
于 2013-08-16T18:50:43.080 回答