一种解决方法可能是使用样式 xf 索引:
$xfIndex = $activeSheet->getCell('A1')->getXfIndex();
然后为范围内所有单元格的 xfIndex 设置该值
for ($col = 'D'; $col != 'E'; ++$col) {
for ($row = 1; $row <= 100; ++$row) {
$activeSheet->getCell($col . $row)->setXfIndex($xfIndex);
或者,将修复应用于 Classes/PHPExcel/Worksheet.php 中的 duplicateStyle() 方法
第 1479 至 1486 行当前为:
if ($this->_parent->cellXfExists($pCellStyle)) {
// there is already this cell Xf in our collection
$xfIndex = $pCellStyle->getIndex();
} else {
// we don't have such a cell Xf, need to add
$xfIndex = $pCellStyle->getIndex();
if ($existingStyle = $this->_parent->getCellXfByHashCode($pCellStyle->getHashCode())) {
// there is already such cell Xf in our collection
$xfIndex = $existingStyle->getIndex();
} else {
// we don't have such a cell Xf, need to add
$xfIndex = $pCellStyle->getIndex();
同样在 Classes/PHPExcel/Style.php 中的 applyFromArray() 方法中
第 425 至 432 行当前为:
if ($workbook->cellXfExists($newStyle)) {
// there is already such cell Xf in our collection
$newXfIndexes[$oldXfIndex] = $existingStyle->getIndex();
} else {
// we don't have such a cell Xf, need to add
$newXfIndexes[$oldXfIndex] = $newStyle->getIndex();
if ($existingStyle = $workbook->getCellXfByHashCode($newStyle->getHashCode())) {
// there is already such cell Xf in our collection
$newXfIndexes[$oldXfIndex] = $existingStyle->getIndex();
} else {
// we don't have such a cell Xf, need to add
$newXfIndexes[$oldXfIndex] = $newStyle->getIndex();
修复现已推送到 github 上的开发分支。它确实会对性能产生轻微影响,具体取决于使用的样式数量......我明天晚上会尝试获得更快的版本