大家好,这里是我的 js 文件,我在第 24 行收到关于每个函数的错误消息,我不知道为什么我找不到问题所在。我只是想在 console.log 面板上查看项目列表,但它甚至没有在 html 页面上给我列表。
(function() {
window.App = {
Models: {},
Collections: {},
Views: {}
window.template = function(id){
return _.template( $('#' + id).html() );
App.Models.Task = Backbone.Model.extend({});
App.Collections.Task = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: App.Models.Task
App.Views.Tasks = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: 'ul',
render: function(){
this.collection.each( this.addOne, this);
return this;
addOne: function(task){
//creating new child view
var taskView = new App.Views.Task({ model: task });
//append to the root element
App.Views.Task = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: 'li',
template: template('taskTemplate'),
events: {
'click .edit': 'editTask'
editTask: function(){
alert('you are editing the tas.');
render: function(){
var template = this.template( this.model.toJSON() );
return this;
var tasksCollection = new App.Views.Task([
title: 'Go to the store',
priority: 4
title: 'Go to the mall',
priority: 3
title: 'get to work',
priority: 5
var tasksView = new App.Views.Tasks({ collection: tasksCollection });