我有一个 WebService 方法,它应该返回一个 CompensationPlanReturnReturn 对象数组。该方法是这样调用的:
//This is the object I need to instanciate because it contains the method I wanna call
CompensationPlan_Out_SyncService test = new CompensationPlan_Out_SyncService();
//This is the method that is supposed to return me an array of CompensationPlanReturnReturn objects
//The data.ToArray() is the parameter the method need, then I pass the method that I wanna run when the method finishes and I dont know what to pass as the final parameter
test.BeginCompensationPlan_Out_Sync(data.ToArray(), new AsyncCallback(complete), null)
//The method description is:
public System.IAsyncResult BeginCompensationPlan_Out_Sync(CompensationPlanDataCompensationPlan[] CompensationPlanRequest, System.AsyncCallback callback, object asyncState)
//On this method I'd like to access to the resuls (the array of CompensationPlanReturnReturn) but I dont know how
private void complete(IAsyncResult result)
lblStatus.Text = "Complete";