相同)。我不以 root 身份构建,也不为此使用 sudo。
# Keychain that holds all the required signing certificates
# To create a keychain like this, create it in "Keychain Access" and copy all your certificates into it
# Then set its timeout to infinite (so it doesn't re-lock itself during the build):
# security set-keychain-settings <path>
# Passing no "-t" option means "no timeout."
# Generally you should just be able to copy this file from build host to build host as needed. Then
# add it to the available keychains using Keychain Access, File>Add Keychain…. If you don't add it to
# Keychain Access, you'll receive signing error CSSMERR_TP_NOT_TRUSTED, since it won't recognize the
# entire chain
keychain_password=somepassword # If you have one on the keychain
cert_identifier='My Signing Name'
# We assume the keychain has an infinite timeout, so we just unlock it once here.
if ! security unlock-keychain -p "${keychain_password}" ${keychain} ; then
echo "Cannot unlock keychain. Cannot sign on this host."
exit 1
name=$1 ; shift
if ${sign} ; then
echo "** SIGNING $name **"
chmod u+w $paths
codesign --keychain ${keychain} -f -s ${cert_identifier} $paths
sign "The Whole Package" something.pkg