This is a partial answer. The code snippet below calculates the centroid of a polygon, so if you can pull the polygon vertex data for your country of interest, this will give you the "center," after which it's trivial to draw a circle.
(polyx and polyy are vectors of x- and y- coordinates
pchit <- polyarea(polyx,polyy)
centx <- centy <- 0
for (kk in 1:(length(polyx)-1) ) {
centx <- centx + (polyx[kk]+polyx[kk+1]) * (polyx[kk]*polyy[kk+1]-polyx[kk+1]*polyy[kk])
centy <- centy + (polyy[kk]+polyy[kk+1]) * (polyx[kk]*polyy[kk+1]-polyx[kk+1]*polyy[kk])
centx <- -1/pchit/6 * centx
centy <- -1/pchit/6 * centy