有什么方法可以每天在特定时间使用 python 脚本启动我的计算机?我想让它每天在我通常醒来的时间启动我的电脑。


2 回答 2


您无法在关闭的计算机上运行 python 脚本。但是,如果您要启动的机器支持远程唤醒,您可以在另一台计算机上运行远程启动目标机器的 python 脚本。查看此链接http://www.instructables.com/id/Starting-your-linux-box-remotely/了解更多详情。

于 2013-08-15T05:15:43.790 回答

If you don't have access to a remote computer you could always try to check your BIOS for something in the likes of "Power ON by Alarm"

This answers most of what you may ask. You should check your BIOS for this option. If it has, perfect, if it hasn't, resort to the previous answer. If neither, well... it's pretty much impossible.

To access a BIOS, you usually press F2 or F8 at computer (not system) startup. However, things can differ a lot from PC to PC including laptops.

于 2013-08-15T05:32:15.697 回答