
但也说我不希望通过人们可以在浏览器中键入的任何 URL 访问该函数调用。


我只是认为有一个像“/delete_record/12345”这样的 URL 只是摆在那里供任何人输入是有点不安全的。是的,我可以双重检查这个人是否真的可以访问它,但仍然非常奇怪的。


1 回答 1


But also say I DON'T want that function call to be accessible via any URL people can type into the browser.

You could have a hidden form with pk of the object you want to delete, and have the form submit when a user clicks on the delete link. Since the form is POSTed, the delete url won't do any good if someone types it into the browsers address bar.

But I think it would be a lot lot better to use an ajax link which sends a DELETE instead of GET. That would also make typing the url into the address bar useless.

于 2013-08-15T05:32:29.993 回答