为什么部分页眉是白色的?它被设置为浅绿色,并且应该放置在最顶部(在顶部菜单下方),然后#menu 上的 60px margin-top 应该将其向下推到正确的位置并使整个区域变为绿色.
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为什么部分页眉是白色的?它被设置为浅绿色,并且应该放置在最顶部(在顶部菜单下方),然后#menu 上的 60px margin-top 应该将其向下推到正确的位置并使整个区域变为绿色.
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The margin-top that you're adding to #menu is what is causing that gap.
just add an top margin to your #wrapper
position: fixed sets your element on a fixed position with the standard behaviour for other elements to ignore this element anymore in fact your fixed element will overlay everything else, because it's not bound anymore to other elements and all elements after your fixed box will ignore the bounding box.
The content_background element has CSS property padding-top set to 10px. Remove that and it should be OK.