我正在开发 LibGDX 中的游戏,我的玩家方向和行走动画都不会改变。他可以上、下、左、右走,但无论他往哪个方向走,都只能面朝左。
public class WorldController {
enum KeyBinds {
private World world;
private Player p;
static Map<KeyBinds, Boolean> keys = new HashMap<WorldController.KeyBinds, Boolean>();
static {
keys.put(KeyBinds.LEFT, false);
keys.put(KeyBinds.RIGHT, false);
keys.put(KeyBinds.UP, false);
keys.put(KeyBinds.DOWN, false);
keys.put(KeyBinds.JUMP, false);
keys.put(KeyBinds.FIRE, false);
public WorldController(World world) {
this.world = world;
this.p = world.getPlayer();
// ** Key presses and touches **************** //
public void leftPressed() {
keys.get(keys.put(KeyBinds.LEFT, true));
public void rightPressed() {
keys.get(keys.put(KeyBinds.RIGHT, true));
public void upPressed() {
keys.get(keys.put(KeyBinds.UP, true));
public void downPressed() {
keys.get(keys.put(KeyBinds.DOWN, true));
public void jumpPressed() {
keys.get(keys.put(KeyBinds.JUMP, true));
public void firePressed() {
keys.get(keys.put(KeyBinds.FIRE, false));
public void leftReleased() {
keys.get(keys.put(KeyBinds.LEFT, false));
public void rightReleased() {
keys.get(keys.put(KeyBinds.RIGHT, false));
public void upReleased() {
keys.get(keys.put(KeyBinds.UP, false));
public void downReleased() {
keys.get(keys.put(KeyBinds.DOWN, false));
public void jumpReleased() {
keys.get(keys.put(KeyBinds.JUMP, false));
public void fireReleased() {
keys.get(keys.put(KeyBinds.FIRE, false));
/** The main update method **/
public void update(float delta) {
/** Change player's state and parameters based on input controls **/
private void processInput() {
if(Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Keys.LEFT)) {
// left is pressed
p.getVelocity().x = -Player.SPEED;
p.getVelocity().y = 0;
// right is pressed
p.getVelocity().x = Player.SPEED;
p.getVelocity().y = 0;
if(Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Keys.UP)) {
// up is pressed
p.getVelocity().y = Player.SPEED;
p.getVelocity().x = 0;
if(Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Keys.DOWN)) {
// down is pressed
p.getVelocity().y = -Player.SPEED;
p.getVelocity().x = 0;
// need to check if both or none direction are pressed, then player is idle
// if ((keys.get(Keys.LEFT) && keys.get(Keys.RIGHT)) ||
// (!keys.get(Keys.LEFT) && !(keys.get(Keys.RIGHT)))) {
// p.setState(State.IDLE);
// // acceleration is 0 on the x
// p.getAcceleration().x = 0;
// // horizontal speed is 0
// p.getVelocity().x = 0;
// }
public class WorldRenderer {
private static final float CAMERA_WIDTH = 10f;
private static final float CAMERA_HEIGHT = 7f;
private World world;
private OrthographicCamera cam;
/** for debug rendering **/
ShapeRenderer debugRenderer = new ShapeRenderer();
private SpriteBatch spriteBatch;
private boolean debug = false;
private int width;
private int height;
private float ppuX;
private float ppuY;
private static final float RUNNING_FRAME_DURATION = 0.06f;
/** Textures **/
private TextureRegion pIdleLeft;
private TextureRegion pIdleRight;
private TextureRegion pIdleUp;
private TextureRegion pIdleDown;
private TextureRegion blockTexture;
private TextureRegion pFrame;
/** Animations **/
private Animation walkLeftAnimation;
private Animation walkRightAnimation;
private Animation walkUpAnimation;
private Animation walkDownAnimation;
private void loadTextures() {
TextureAtlas atlas = new TextureAtlas(Gdx.files.internal("images/textures/textures.pack"));
pIdleLeft = atlas.findRegion("Left1");
pIdleRight = new TextureRegion(pIdleLeft);
pIdleRight.flip(true, false);
pIdleUp = atlas.findRegion("Back1");
pIdleDown = atlas.findRegion("Front1");
blockTexture = atlas.findRegion("stone");
//Walking Left Animation
TextureRegion[] walkLeftFrames = new TextureRegion[2];
walkLeftFrames[0] = atlas.findRegion("Left1");
walkLeftFrames[1] = atlas.findRegion("Left2");
walkLeftAnimation = new Animation(RUNNING_FRAME_DURATION, walkLeftFrames);
//Walking Right Animation
TextureRegion[] walkRightFrames = new TextureRegion[2];
walkRightFrames[0] = new TextureRegion(walkLeftFrames[0]);
walkRightFrames[0].flip(true, false);
walkRightFrames[1] = new TextureRegion(walkLeftFrames[1]);
walkRightFrames[1].flip(true, false);
walkRightAnimation = new Animation(RUNNING_FRAME_DURATION, walkRightFrames);
//Walking Up Animation
TextureRegion[] walkUpFrames = new TextureRegion[2];
walkUpFrames[0] = atlas.findRegion("Back1");
walkUpFrames[1] = atlas.findRegion("Back2");
walkUpAnimation = new Animation(RUNNING_FRAME_DURATION, walkUpFrames);
//Walking Down Animation
TextureRegion[] walkDownFrames = new TextureRegion[2];
walkLeftFrames[0] = atlas.findRegion("Front1");
walkLeftFrames[1] = atlas.findRegion("Front2");
walkDownAnimation = new Animation(RUNNING_FRAME_DURATION, walkDownFrames);
public void drawPlayer() {
Player p = world.getPlayer();
if(p.getState().equals(State.IDLE)) {
if(Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Keys.LEFT)) pFrame = pIdleLeft;
else if(Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Keys.RIGHT)) pFrame = pIdleRight;
else if(Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Keys.UP)) pFrame = pIdleUp;
else if(Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Keys.DOWN)) pFrame = pIdleDown;
if(p.getState().equals(State.WALKING)) {
if(Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Keys.LEFT)) walkLeftAnimation.getKeyFrame(p.getStateTime(), true);
else if(Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Keys.RIGHT)) walkRightAnimation.getKeyFrame(p.getStateTime(), true);
else if(Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Keys.UP)) walkUpAnimation.getKeyFrame(p.getStateTime(), true);
else if(Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Keys.DOWN)) walkDownAnimation.getKeyFrame(p.getStateTime(), true);
spriteBatch.draw(pFrame, p.getXPosition() * ppuX, p.getYPosition() * ppuY, Player.SIZE * ppuX, Player.SIZE * ppuY);
public void setSize(int w, int h){
this.width = w;
this.height = h;
ppuX = (float)width / CAMERA_WIDTH;
ppuY = (float)height / CAMERA_HEIGHT;
public WorldRenderer(World world, boolean debug) {
this.world = world;
this.cam = new OrthographicCamera(CAMERA_WIDTH, CAMERA_HEIGHT);
this.cam.position.set(CAMERA_WIDTH / 2f, CAMERA_HEIGHT / 2f, 0);
this.debug = debug;
spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch();
public void render(){
public void drawBlocks(){
for(Block block : world.getBlocks()){
spriteBatch.draw(blockTexture, block.getXPosition() * ppuX, block.getYPosition() * ppuY, Block.getSize() * ppuX, Block.getSize() * ppuY );
public void drawDebug() {
// render blocks
for (Block block : world.getBlocks()) {
Rectangle rect = block.getBounds();
float x1 = block.getXPosition() + rect.x;
float y1 = block.getYPosition() + rect.y;
debugRenderer.setColor(new Color(1, 0, 0, 1));
debugRenderer.rect(x1, y1, rect.width, rect.height);
// render Player
Player p = world.getPlayer();
Rectangle rect = p.getBounds();
float x1 = p.getXPosition() + rect.x;
float y1 = p.getYPosition() + rect.y;
debugRenderer.setColor(new Color(0, 1, 0, 1));
debugRenderer.rect(x1, y1, rect.width, rect.height);
public class Player {
public enum State{
public static final float SPEED = 4f; //units per second
public static final float SIZE = 0.5f; //half a unit
float stateTime = 0;
Vector2 position = new Vector2();
Vector2 acceleration = new Vector2();
Vector2 velocity = new Vector2();
Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle();
State state = State.IDLE;
boolean facingLeft;
boolean facingRight;
boolean facingUp;
boolean facingDown;
public Player(Vector2 position){
this.position = position;
this.bounds.height = SIZE;
this.bounds.width = SIZE;
public void setFacingLeft(boolean facingLeft) {
this.facingLeft = facingLeft;
public void setFacingRight(boolean facingRight) {
this.facingRight = facingRight;
public void setFacingUp(boolean facingUp) {
this.facingUp = facingUp;
public void setFacingDown(boolean facingDown) {
this.facingDown = facingDown;
public Vector2 getAcceleration() {
return acceleration;
public Vector2 getVelocity() {
return velocity;
public void setState(State newState){
this.state = newState;
public void update(float delta){
stateTime += delta;
public Rectangle getBounds() {
return bounds;
public Object getPosition() {
return position;
public float getXPosition(){
return this.position.x;
public float getYPosition(){
return this.position.y;
public Object getState() {
return state;
public float getStateTime() {
return stateTime;
此外,我努力将每个类放在它自己的代码块中,但没有成功,我是 stackoverflow 的新手。感谢任何试图提供帮助的人。