通常在桌面应用程序中,我们看到补丁仅适用于已更新的应用程序部分,但对于 Android 应用程序,我们需要重新安装整个软件包。我的意思是我们需要再次下载整个安装程序。这有什么理由(安全)吗?
2 回答
It doesn't. In fact modern Google play will just download the differences between the new and old versions, not the whole package. If you update apps often you'll notice that it reports the download size as many MBs but after downloading just a few hundred KBs the installation starts immediately
Google Play has begun to introduce "delta", partial updates, the download only of the new code, reducing data traffic on smartphones.
Google Play delta updates allow to the users to save data traffic included in their subscription or simply shorten the time to download applications.
The Instagram update to the version 3.0, released in the Google Play store Thursday, August 16, 2012, included a packet of only 3MB in size instead of full application of 13MB.
文件,作为一个实体进行签名。Android 确保一切正常或不会安装它。
但是,您可以将您的应用程序拆分为不同的部分并分别更新它们,因为 Android 提供了一种让共享相同证书的应用程序比不共享证书的应用程序以更多方式交互的方法。
在此处阅读有关签署您的应用程序和您的选项的更多信息:http: //developer.android.com/tools/publishing/app-signing.html