您没有为 Map.+= 获得元组的原因是该方法被第二种方法重载,该方法采用两个或更多参数。
如果 args 的数量错误,编译器只会尝试元组。但是如果你给它两个参数,并且有一个方法需要两个,这就是它的选择,即使它没有通过类型检查。
scala> def f(p: Pair[String, Int]) = { val (s,i) = p; s.toInt + i }
f: (p: Pair[String,Int])Int
scala> f("2",3) // ok to tuple
res0: Int = 5
scala> trait F { def +=(p: Pair[String, Int]) = f(p) }
defined trait F
scala> val foo = new F {}
foo: F = $anon$1@6bc77f62
scala> foo += ("2",3) // ok to tuple
res1: Int = 5
scala> trait G { def +=(p: Pair[String, Int]) = f(p); def +=(p:(String,Int),q:(String,Int),r:(String,Int)*) = f(p)+f(q)+(r map f).sum }
defined trait G
scala> val goo = new G {}
goo: G = $anon$1@183aeac3
scala> goo += ("2",3) // sorry
<console>:12: error: type mismatch;
found : String("2")
required: (String, Int)
goo += ("2",3)
scala> goo += (("2",3),("4",5),("6",7))
res3: Int = 27
更不用说你和我的朋友了,-Xlint,它会警告不愉快的 arg 改编:
apm@mara:~/tmp$ skala -Xlint
Welcome to Scala version 2.11.0-20130811-132927-95a4d6e987 (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.7.0_25).
Type in expressions to have them evaluated.
Type :help for more information.
scala> def f(p: Pair[String, Int]) = { val (s,i) = p; s.toInt + i }
f: (p: Pair[String,Int])Int
scala> f("2",3)
<console>:9: warning: Adapting argument list by creating a 2-tuple: this may not be what you want.
signature: f(p: Pair[String,Int]): Int
given arguments: "2", 3
after adaptation: f(("2", 3): (String, Int))
res0: Int = 5
scala> List(1).toSet()
<console>:8: warning: Adapting argument list by inserting (): this is unlikely to be what you want.
signature: GenSetLike.apply(elem: A): Boolean
given arguments: <none>
after adaptation: GenSetLike((): Unit)
res3: Boolean = false
关于适应的危险,请参阅Adaptive Reasoning 谜题和这个很常见的新谜题,因为我们了解到括号的存在与否在很大程度上是一种风格问题,当括号真的很重要时,错误地使用它们会导致类型错误.
scala> class Foo {
| def f[A](a: A) = 1 // A can be (Int,Int,Int)
| def f[A](a: A, a2: A) = 2
| }
defined class Foo
scala> val foo = new Foo
foo: Foo = Foo@2645d22d
scala> foo.f(0,0,0)
<console>:10: warning: Adapting argument list by creating a 3-tuple: this may not be what you want.
signature: Foo.f[A](a: A): Int
given arguments: 0, 0, 0
after adaptation: Foo.f((0, 0, 0): (Int, Int, Int))
res9: Int = 1