我正在创建一个显示访客信息的网站。用户可以访问该页面并使用 Textarea 为他们的 URL 选择一个名称,该名称将作为一个表保存在 mysql 数据库中。
我在我的第一个 php 文件中使用 $name 变量来替换文本“visitor_tracking”。但是今天我注意到还有另一个php文件和更多的sql代码,我再次看到这个文件也有sql代码中使用的“ visitor_tracking ”文本。
但是我认为我失败了很多次,因为我根本不知道如何用名为 $name 的变量名替换“visitor_tracking”文本。
//define our "maximum idle period" to be 30 minutes
$mins = 30;
//set the time limit before a session expires
ini_set ("session.gc_maxlifetime", $mins * 60);
$ip_address = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
$page_name = $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"];
$query_string = $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"];
$current_page = $page_name."?".$query_string;
//connect to the database using your database settings
//update the visitor log in the database, based on the current visitor
//id held in $_SESSION["visitor_id"]
$visitor_id = isset($_SESSION["visitor_id"])?$_SESSION["visitor_id"]:0;
if($_SESSION["current_page"] != $current_page)
$sql = "INSERT INTO visitor_tracking
(ip_address, page_name, query_string, visitor_id)
VALUES ('$ip_address', '$page_name', '$query_string', '$visitor_id')";
echo "Failed to update visitor log";
$_SESSION["current_page"] = $current_page;
} else {
//set a session variable so we know that this visitor is being tracked
//insert a new row into the database for this person
$sql = "INSERT INTO visitor_tracking
(ip_address, page_name, query_string)
VALUES ('$ip_address', '$page_name', '$query_string')";
echo "Failed to add new visitor into tracking log";
$_SESSION["tracking"] = false;
} else {
//find the next available visitor_id for the database
//to assign to this person
$_SESSION["tracking"] = true;
$entry_id = mysql_insert_id();
$lowest_sql = mysql_query("SELECT MAX(visitor_id) as next FROM visitor_tracking");
$lowest_row = mysql_fetch_array($lowest_sql);
$lowest = $lowest_row["next"];
$lowest = 1;
//update the visitor entry with the new visitor id
//Note, that we do it in this way to prevent a "race condition"
mysql_query("UPDATE visitor_tracking SET visitor_id = '$lowest' WHERE entry_id = '$entry_id'");
//place the current visitor_id into the session so we can use it on
//subsequent visits to track this person
$_SESSION["visitor_id"] = $lowest;
//save the current page to session so we don't track if someone just refreshes the page
$_SESSION["current_page"] = $current_page;
这是脚本的一个非常短的部分:我真的希望我能得到一些帮助,用变量$name替换“ visitor_tracking ”文本......我试图用“$name”替换文本并使用了不同的 qoutes,但对我没有用...
这是我在从我的第一个 php 文件读取的第二个 php 文件中使用的调用:
include 'myfile1.php';
echo $var;
PS非常感谢 Prix 帮助我完成第一个 php 文件!