Quickbooks API simply does not work for me. Using their own API exporer it wont even work (get internalserver errors and unauthorized errors. Basically I can only do things in https ://developer.intuit.com/apiexplorer successfully but when doing it using their other API tool it fails with the mentioned errors. As well as my own scripts error out the same exact way.

Also note that I can call to anything using the API inside of my script to the domain of https: //appcenter.intuit.com/api but nothing to the domain of https: //qbo.intuit.com/qbo32 (note that the appcenter is a simple get request however and the other is a complex post request).

Example of what I do to duplicate:

  • Goto https: //appcenter.intuit.com/Playground/OAuth and fill out consumer key and secret with my app info from https: //developer.intuit.com/Application/Manage
  • Click request token using key and secret and it returns key and secret
  • Authorize request Token button which then takes me through the popup which then I authorize access
  • Now I have access token and secret and then i goto the api console
  • Now at api console at https: //appcenter.intuit.com/Playground/API and i see my 4 keys included
  • I run a test by doing a GET request to https: //appcenter.intuit.com/api/v1/user/current with no params and it shows my user
  • I then try and do a POST to something like https: //qbo.intuit.com/qbo32/resource/invoices/v2/169115718 and the URL params of PageNum=1&ResultsPerPage=1 and then call API
  • It returns "Status code: Unauthorized", and if I omit the URL params it then says "Status code: InternalServerError"

I have spend 2 days on this and have no solution using every available tool including calling support. Keep in mind also that this same situation and messages exists in my own code as well. This is just the easier to troubleshoot method because I assume if we fix this, then my code may work with similar changes.

PS: I added a space into the urls because this tool would not let me make them clickable for you

Any ideas?


2 回答 2


你可以试试 Apiexplorer 工具。

链接 - https://developer.intuit.com/apiexplorer?apiname=V2QBO

在 apiexplorer 中,您不需要配置任何端点。您可以使用有效的 OAuth 令牌触发任何端点。

如果在 POST 正文中传递分页属性,Apiexplorer 会显示 401 错误。很可能这是一个错误。要测试与分页相关的用例,您可以从 apiexplorer 复制端点和凭据,并在其他一些 restclients 中使用它们。

参考 -未经授权的 OAuth 令牌:signature_invalid 在 POST 上向请求正文添加任何内容时


链接 - https://developer.intuit.com/docs/9_other_resources/0030_support/0010_submit_support_incidents


于 2013-08-15T06:09:59.370 回答

您可以使用此处提到的开发人员定义的 oauth 代码吗: https ://gist.github.com/IntuitDeveloperRelations/6024616

于 2013-08-17T19:05:47.480 回答