Currently I succeed to create an Ubuntu virtual machine and install Hadoop, Zookeeper and Accumulo. Now I need to create a test ASP.NET MVC application that reads and writes data to the Accumulo.

I've been looking around for .NET clients or some kind of rest API but my searches where unsuccessful. Any snippet I could find was in Java. So one of the options I am considering at the moment is to convert Java client into .NET library using IKVM.NET.

So my question are

  • Is there any .NET provider for Apache Accumulo?
  • If no provider, does it expose some kind of REST API to program against?
  • If no REST what is the endpoint that I could use (and documentation links if possible) to create .NET provider myself?
  • Is converting Java lib a good idea?

1 回答 1


Accumulo 有几种方法可以通过 Thrift 进行连接,您应该能够使用 .NET。

在 1.5 中,有一个叫做 Proxy 的东西,一个处理连接的单独服务,它处理连接并有一个 thrift 接口。

有一些针对 1.4 使用 Thrift 的代码,但我认为它没有很好的文档记录。不过,它就在某个地方!

于 2013-08-30T18:33:03.783 回答