我正在使用 akka-sample-remote 示例进行一些性能测试。似乎往返时间现在是 3 毫秒。其中包括(使用 localhost 在同一主机中的两个 jvm 中的两个参与者)。

1 A->B:发送 MathOp 请求 2 B->A:发回结果



1 回答 1


Why do you think that this is bad number?

Do not mix latency and throughput. Single-threaded system which has throughput 60k items per second does not have latency 1000/60k ms.

I've used Redis which is single-threaded app and it's able to consume ~100k messages per second but with 500+ concurrent connections. It does not provide nanosecond latency as it could see at first glance.

于 2013-08-14T16:42:59.083 回答