我正在使用 FORTRAN 来解决偏微分方程。主程序和子程序已放在.f 文件中。我得到了一个 .sh 文件来在 linux 操作系统的源代码中编译命令。此文件已附上。但我没有运行这个。在挣扎了一周之后,我真的需要一些帮助。请任何帮助将不胜感激!!!

mkdir temp
cd temp
rm *
~/binc/$ARCH/f77split ../fishpack.f
for FILE in `ls -1 *.f`;
  gfortran -c -g $FILE >& compiler.txt
  if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
    echo "Errors compiling " $FILE
  rm compiler.txt
rm *.f
ar qc libfishpack.a *.o
rm *.o
mv libfishpack.a ~/libf77/$ARCH
cd ..
rmdir temp
echo "Library installed as ~/libf77/$ARCH/libfishpack.a."

1 回答 1


This looks like the shell script is simply trying to compile a fortran file, but instead of using gfortran's internal toolchain, it is compiling parts manually then linking them together. I have a feeling (though I haven't confirmed) that the call to the program ar is bad, even if it got that far (I'm guessing it should be ar -qc instead of ar qc.).

Anyway, if all the source is in a single fortran file that someone else gave you (fishpack.f), you might be able to compile the whole thing with a single call to gfortran:

gfortran fishpack.f

It should create (by default) an output executable with a filename a.out. If the fortran code is not structured such that it can be lumped into a single file, you may need to work on separating some things out (--as well as updating to at least f90, though that's an aside--).

Good luck.

于 2013-09-07T02:13:28.953 回答