We have a fairly robust ASP.NET app using quite a bit of AJAX, jQuery & CSS.

After opening a new instance of the browser using CTRL+N, when entering data into textboxes, if users want to enter "foobar" it dups every key they hit. So they get "ffoooobbaarr" instead.

We're not able to isolate this to a consistent debugging environment that spans machines. However, we can consistently duplicate the issue on particular box images or VM's, but not on our developer machines (of course!). We have a training center where every box has the same image and it happens consistently on them depending on the exercise. Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't. Very frustrating.

There's spotty evidence around the web concerning IE6 about these issues, but not really any solutions, plus we're using IE7 & IE8.

Thoughts on how to debug this? Or maybe a link to the answer somewhere?


2 回答 2


这听起来很像双重订阅——如果你有一个 javscript 在页面加载时订阅事件,它会在加载原始窗口和新窗口时都这样做。

考虑到 CTRL+N 不会创建新环境而是在现有环境中创建新窗口,您的脚本可能实际上订阅了错误的窗口,我的意思是新的处理程序集而不是连接到新窗口连接到原来的。如果是这种情况,事件将在原始窗口中触发两次,而在新窗口中根本不会触发。


于 2009-11-30T23:35:01.197 回答

原来是一个 window.setTimeout(); 干扰一些 WCF 工作。那些 setTimeouts() 是恶魔般的,并且自函数存在之初就引起了问题。

于 2009-12-03T16:32:21.627 回答