我在 python 中有一些字符串,例如 :'I go to by everyday'
和'I go to school by bus everyday'
and 。'you go to home by bus everyday'
4 回答
让我们重述这个问题,并假设我们正在检查 s1(例如“我每天去”)是否可以变成 s2(例如“我每天乘公共汽车上学”),只需插入。如果我们将字符串视为有序集合,这个问题就非常简单。本质上,我们是在询问 s1 是否是 s2 的子集。
为了解决这个问题,贪心算法就足够了(并且是最快的)。我们遍历 s1 中的每个字符,并尝试在 s2 中找到该字符的第一次出现。同时,我们保留一个缓冲区来保存我们在查找字符时遇到的所有不匹配字符,以及我们首先开始填充缓冲区的位置。当我们找到我们正在寻找的字符时,我们将缓冲区的位置和内容转储到一个占位符中。
当我们在 s2 之前到达 s1 的末尾时,这实际上意味着 s1 是 s2 的子集,我们返回占位符。否则 s1 不是 s2 的子集,并且不可能仅通过插入从 s1 形成 s2,因此我们返回 false。这个贪心算法需要 O(len(s1) + len(s2)) ,下面是它的代码:
# we are checking if we can make s2 from s1 just with inserts
def check(s1, s2):
# indices for iterating through s1 and s2
i1 = 0
i2 = 0
# dictionary to keep track of where to insert what
inserts = dict()
buffer = ""
pos = 0
while i1 < len(s1) and i2 < len(s2):
if s1[i1] == s2[i2]:
i1 += 1
i2 += 1
if buffer != "":
inserts[pos] = buffer
buffer = ""
pos += 1
buffer += s2[i2]
i2 += 1
# if possible return the what and where to insert, otherwise return false
if i1 == len(s1):
return inserts
return False
main = "I go to by everyday"
to_search = "I go to school by bus everyday"
import re
pattern = [chr for chr in main]
pattern = "(.*?)" + "(.*?)".join(pattern) + "(.*?)"
pattern = pattern.replace(' ', '\s{1}')
pattern = re.compile(pattern)
请注意,您只是说inserts。因此,如果获取字符串I go to by everyday
[('', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'school ', '', '', 'bus ', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '')]
words = sentence.split()
words.insert("school", 3)
words.insert("bus", 6)
sentence = ' '.join(words)
您可以并行遍历两个字符串,为每个字符串维护一个索引。对于每个相等的字符,您增加两个索引 - 对于每个不相等的字符,您只需将索引增加到字符串中以进行测试:
def f(s, t):
"""Yields True if 's' can be transformed into 't' just by inserting characters,
otherwise false
lenS = len(s)
lenT = len(t)
# 's' cannot possible get turned into 't' by just insertions if 't' is shorter.
if lenS > lenT:
return False
# If both strings are the same length, let's treat 's' to be convertible to 't' if
# they are equal (i.e. you can transform 's' to 't' using zero insertions). You
# may want to return 'False' here.
if lenS == lenT:
return s == t
idxS = 0
for ch in t:
if idxS == lenS:
return True
if s[idxS] == ch:
idxS += 1
return idxS == lenS
f('', 'I go to by everyday') # True
f('I go to by everyday', '') # False
f('I go to by everyday', 'I go to school by bus everyday') # True
f('I go to by everyday', 'you go to home by bus everyday') # False