I am trying to play/push a MP4 to my receiver app on my whitelisted device.
I am able to launch my receiver app (an web page with a video tag).
Once I launch my receiver app, then from my Sender app (another web page) I do this:
new MediaLoadRequest(url);
cast_api.loadMedia(activityId, mediaRequest, callback);
My receiver looks like this:
initReceiver = function(){
_remoteMedia.onOpen = mediaOnOpen;
_remoteMedia.onLoad = mediaOnLoad;
_remoteMedia.onLoadMetadataError = mediaMetaDataError;
_remoteMedia.onMetadataLoaded = mediaMetaDataLoaded;
mediaOnLoad = function (channel, message){
_remoteMedia.load(channel, message);
mediaMetaDataLoaded = function (channel, message){
console.log("mediaMetaDataLoaded", message);
mediaMetaDataError = function (channel,message){
console.log("mediaMetaDataError", message);
mediaOnOpen = function (event){
console.log("mediaOnOpen", event);
On the console output the last message I see is this, after the code hits _remoteMedia.load:
[ 41.321s] [cast.receiver.RemoteMedia] loading media
and nothing happens after that. The media is a valid URL from my DropBox...an MP4.
Any ideas what I am doing wrong here?