据我所知,我的代码没有实际问题,但是 Visual Studio 无法识别我的 *.h 文件中的特定类。它可以识别之前的结构和之后的类 - 如果我添加了一个额外的
class test {
int foo;
void bar();
澄清一下:通过认识,我在谈论两件事:代码窗口顶部的范围栏,以及扩展 FooBar.h 的列表。前者坚持认为类中的空间仍然是“全局作用域”,而后者则列出了我所有的函数,就好像它们是全局函数一样。
这在重新解析中仍然存在 - 如上所述,我可以通过添加类来解决问题,并test
IntelliSense 仍然将类及其方法识别为属于该类,这显然很奇怪......
//This shows up fine: expanding FooBar.h reveals a sub-list called Update, with
//fields "pE, pEgivenH, E" and methods "Update(...), ~Update(), operator=," and so on.
struct Update {
double pEgivenH, pE;
EvidenceID E;
Update(double, double, EvidenceID);
Update &operator=(const Update &rhs);
int operator==(const Update &rhs) const;
int operator<(const Update &rhs) const;
// Point A
// This doesn't, though. When the cursor is placed within this class, the bar insists
// that it is "global scope", and all methods here show up as global methods under
// FooBar.h. The problem goes away if I add a class at Point A.
class Hypothesis {
string hypothesis;
double currentP;
double prior;
list<Update> history;
Hypothesis &operator=(const Hypothesis &rhs);
int operator==(const Hypothesis &rhs) const;
int operator<(const Hypothesis &rhs) const;
Hypothesis(string, double);
double updateHypothesis(Update);
double recalcHypothesis();
string getHypothesis();
double getProbability();
// This class also shows up fine.
class Action {
ActionType type;
Update ubefore, uafter;
Hypothesis hbefore, hafter;
EvidenceID ebefore;
void undo();
void redo();