
    var href = $(this).attr('href');

    sendAnalytics("clicked a link",function(){
        // on success callback, continue with link's redirect
        window.location = href;
        //   or location.assign(href);

        window.location = href;
    },5e3); // just incase callback never fires



到目前为止,我看到的唯一选择是将值存储在 cookie 中,然后在每个页面加载时读取 cookie、发送分析并删除 cookie。


1 回答 1


As far as I understand, you're trying to intercept the link click event, send some analytics data, then recreate the click to continue with navigation. So, to do that:

function NewTab(url) {
    var newTab = window.open(url,"_blank");

$("a").on("click", function(e) {    // more efficient

    var href = $(this).attr("href");

    if(e.ctrlKey) {   // ctrl to open in a new tab

        sendAnalytics("clicked a link", function() {

        setTimeout(function() {
            location.href = href;
        }, 5e3);

    else {
        sendAnalytcis("clicked a link", function() {
            location.href = href;

        setTimeout(function() {
            location.href = href;

First I create a new tab function that I can use if the user has control-clicked the link. Then I intercept the click, and if the Control key was pressed, I send analytics then open the link in a new tab. Otherwise, I send the analytics then redirect the current tab. The backups are still there in case the callback doesn't fire.

As a footnote, the simplest way to recreate a 'natural link click' is $(this).click();

Hope this helps!

于 2014-04-13T14:58:14.060 回答