WordPress 一直很棒,但我想简化和加速我的网站并删除所需的 db 组件。由于我的大多数页面不会经常更改,因此我认为将其移至静态站点生成器将是一个不错的选择。

我对他们没有经验,我花了很多时间研究不同的选择。http://middlemanapp.com/看起来不错,尽管我的 Ruby 经验为零。

问题 1。使用静态站点生成器管理 50 多个页面的站点是否有意义? 问题 2。使用基于 js/node 的生成器与 ruby​​ 生成器相比有什么好处吗?


3 回答 3


我是 Middleman 的维护者之一。50 页根本不算多——我有几个网站有数百页,而且效果很好。绝对是个人博客,它会做得很好。但是,一个拥有数千个页面且经常更改的网站肯定会看到缓慢的构建——Middleman 做了很多事情,其中​​一些是丑陋的、缓慢的黑魔法。我鼓励你尝试一下,看看 - 有一些用于 Jekyll 的 Wordpress 迁移工具,可以很好地将你的帖子导出并导入 Markdown,然后你可以从那里进行实验。

于 2013-11-25T08:35:53.397 回答


于 2013-11-17T11:31:29.843 回答

Question 1.

I had a very bad experience (project had to be cancelled after one week of work) trying to migrate a small website but with a lot of content from Wordpress to Middleman. The main issue was that the content (book reviews) were updated daily and consisted of thousands of records which caused the site generation builds to be extremely slow.

We also had problems with pagination of different types of resources (Middleman only supports pagination of blog posts).

Features like "Random posts" had to be taken away as the content is static.

So it was not about the number of pages but about the content itself (size, domain complexity and change frequency) which caused the project to fail. Middleman is great for not data intensive with relatively simple data domains, like for example personal or company websites, blogs or simple catalogues.

If you are running a WP site try debugging the problems you may be facing (like performance, code maintenance, etc.) and fixing them instead of rewriting the whole website. If the database is slow try creating indexes, caching responses, etc.

Question 2.

There is any sort of gain in my opinion.

于 2013-08-22T03:43:19.220 回答