所以我编写这段代码只是为了练习,我遇到了一个问题,我连续有几个 if 语句,但即使用户输入不满足第一个 if 语句的任何条件,它也会从第一个 if 语句。我遇到问题的部分位于代码的底部,就在“return 0”部分的正上方。

// ConsoleApplication4.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <istream>

using namespace std;

class all_supp{
        string name, type;
        all_supp(string y);

        void enterType(string x);
        string getType();

        void enterName(string y);
        string getName();

//Define Variables
    name = "unknown";
    type = "unknown";

all_supp::all_supp(string y)
    name = y;
    type = "unknown";

void all_supp::enterType(string x)
    type = x;

string all_supp::getType()
    return type;

void all_supp::enterName(string y)
    name = y;

string all_supp::getName()
    return name;

// MusclePharm Assault structure
struct preworkout_assault{
    static int creatine_hcl, creatine_mono;
    static double cost;

int preworkout_assault::creatine_hcl = 250;
int preworkout_assault::creatine_mono = 1000;
double preworkout_assault::cost = 29.99;

// C4 Extreme structure
struct preworkout_c4{
    static int creatine_hcl, creatine_mono, creatine_nitrate, caffeine;
    static double cost;

int preworkout_c4::creatine_hcl = 0;
int preworkout_c4::creatine_mono = 0;
int preworkout_c4::caffeine = 135;
int preworkout_c4::creatine_nitrate = 1000;
double preworkout_c4::cost = 29.99;

// BSN N.).-Xplode structure
struct preworkout_bsn{
    static int creatine_hcl, creatine_mono, creatine_nitrate, caffeine;
    static double cost;

int preworkout_bsn::creatine_hcl = 0;
int preworkout_bsn::creatine_mono = 0;
int preworkout_bsn::caffeine = 135;
int preworkout_bsn::creatine_nitrate = 1000;
double preworkout_bsn::cost = 29.99;

// How the structures are accessed within main
preworkout_assault assault_data;
preworkout_c4 c4_data;
preworkout_bsn bsn_data;

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    //Access general class
    all_supp all;

    string set_type, set_name;

    cout << "Welcome to the bodybuilding supplement recommendation application!" << endl << endl;
    cout << "The categories of supplements that this application includes are:" << endl << "- Pre-workouts" << endl << "- Intra-workouts" << endl << "- Fat-loss boosters" << endl << "- Recovery boosters" << endl << endl;
    cout << "White kind of supplement are you looking for? ";
    // Choose the type of supplement
    cin >> set_type;


        if(getline(cin,set_type) == "pre-workout" || "preworkout" || "pre workout" || "preworkouts" || "pre-workouts" || "pre workouts")
            cout << "Okay, so you're looking for a pre-workout!" << endl;
            cout << "These are the top five pre-workout products currently on the market:" << endl << endl;
            cout << "- MusclePharm Assault\n- Cellucor C4 Extreme\n- BSN N.O.-Xplode 2.0\n- Pro Supps MR. HYDE\n- Driven Sports CRAZE" << endl << endl;
            cout << "Which of the listed pre-workouts would you like to learn more about? Type \"exit\"if you would like to switch the type of supplement you are looking for.";
            cin >> set_name;


            if(all.getName() == "musclepharm assault", "assault", "musclepharm", "muscle", "pharm", "assaullt", "asault")
                //Print MusclePharm Assault data from struct here
                cout << endl << endl << "Awesome! Here's some information about MusclePharm Assault:" << endl << "- Cost per 30 servings: $" << assault_data.cost << endl << "- Creatine monohydrate content per serving: " << assault_data.creatine_mono << "mg" << endl << "- Creatine HCl per serving: " << assault_data.creatine_hcl << "mg" << endl;

            else if(all.getName() == "Cellucor C4 Extreme", "cellucor", "c4", "extreme", "c", "4")
                //Print C4 data from struct here
                cout << endl << endl << "Awesome! Here's some information about Cellucor C4 Extreme:" << endl << "- Cost per 30 servings: $" << c4_data.cost << endl << "- Creatine monohydrate content per serving: " << c4_data.creatine_mono << "mg" << endl << "- Creatine HCl per serving: " << c4_data.creatine_hcl << "mg" << endl << "- Creatine Nitrate per serving: " << c4_data.creatine_nitrate << "mg" << endl << "- Caffeine per serving: " << c4_data.caffeine << endl << endl;

            else if(all.getName() == "BSN N.O.-Xplode 2.0", "bsn", "no", "bsn no", "n.o.", "n.o")
                //Print C4 data from struct here
                cout << endl << endl << "Awesome! Here's some information about BSN N.O.-Xplode 2.0:" << endl << "- Cost per 30 servings: $" << bsn_data.cost << endl << "- Creatine monohydrate content per serving: " << bsn_data.creatine_mono << "mg" << endl << "- Creatine HCl per serving: " << bsn_data.creatine_hcl << "mg" << endl << "- Creatine Nitrate per serving: " << bsn_data.creatine_nitrate << "mg" << endl << "- Caffeine per serving: " << bsn_data.caffeine << endl << endl;

    cout << endl << endl;

    return 0;

2 回答 2


在 C 和 C++ 中,|| 运算符是二元运算符。非零值是真的。


   getline(cin,set_type) == "pre-workout" || "preworkout" || "pre workout" || "preworkouts" || "pre-workouts" || "pre workouts")

首先测试 getline() 返回的 istream 是否等于字符串。它不是。然后它测试下一个表达式“preworkout”——一个字符串,其值为非零整数地址,这被认为是真的。因此,执行 if 语句的主体。


 if( set_type == "pre-workout" 
     || set_type == "preworkout" 
     || set_type == "pre workout" 
     || set_type == "preworkouts" 
     || set_type == "pre-workouts" 
     || set_type == "pre workouts")
于 2013-08-13T21:10:57.360 回答





if ( set_type == "pre-workout" || set_type == "preworkout" || set_type == "pre workout" || set_type == "preworkouts" || set_type == "pre-workouts" || set_type == "pre workouts")
于 2013-08-13T21:18:02.993 回答