我有一个接受字符数组的类。我意识到 std::string 更适合处理字符串,但这是学习指针和分配动态内存的练习。我遇到的问题是重载的加法运算符。我将新内存分配给连接的两个 char 数组的大小,加上一个终止的空字符。当我在 for 循环上放置断点时,我可以看到程序正在遍历左侧操作数指针 (p),然后是右侧操作数指针 (q),但各个字符并未存储到 temp_str。
我对 C++ 相当陌生,所以我确信我缺少一些关于指针和/或动态内存的基本知识。任何帮助/建议将不胜感激。谢谢。
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
class CStr
int m_length;
char* m_pstr;
// Constructor
CStr (const char* s = "Default String")
cout << "Constructor called\n";
m_length = strlen(s) + 1; // Store the length of the string
m_pstr = new char[m_length]; // Allocate space for the string
strcpy_s(m_pstr,m_length,s); // Copy string to memory
// Copy constructor
CStr (const CStr& aStr)
cout << "Copy constructor called\n";
m_length = aStr.m_length; // Get length of the object to be copied
m_pstr = new char [m_length]; // Allocate space for the string
strcpy_s(m_pstr, m_length, aStr.m_pstr); // Copy string to memory
// Assignment operator
CStr& operator=(const CStr& aStr)
cout << "Assignment operator called\n";
if(this == &aStr) // Check addresses, if equal
return *this; // return the 1st operand
m_length = aStr.m_length; // Get length of the rhs operand
delete [] m_pstr; // Release memory for the lhs operand
m_pstr = new char[m_length]; // Allocate space for the string
strcpy_s(m_pstr, m_length, aStr.m_pstr); // Copy rhs operand string to the lhs operand
return *this; // Return a reference to the lhs operand
// Addition operator
CStr operator+(const CStr& aStr) const
cout << "Addition operator called\n";
// get the lengths of the strings
size_t rhs_length = strlen(aStr.m_pstr); // length of rhs operand
size_t lhs_length = strlen(this->m_pstr); // length of lhs operand
char* temp_str = new char[lhs_length + rhs_length + 1]; // Allocate memory to hold concatenated string
// plus terminating null character
char* p = this->m_pstr;
char* q = aStr.m_pstr;
for (p; *p!=0; p++) // Increment lhs string pointer
*temp_str++ = *p; // Store character
for (q; *q!=0; q++) // Increment rhs string pointer
*temp_str++ = *q; // Store character
*temp_str++ = '\0'; // Null character at the end
return CStr(temp_str);
// Destructor
~CStr ()
cout << Print() << " has been destroyed\n";
delete [] m_pstr; // Free memory assigned to the pointer
// Print function
char* Print() const
return m_pstr;
int main()
CStr s1("foo");
CStr s2("bar");
CStr s3 = s1 + s2;