I need to get the next textarea, but I'm not being able with next or even find.
Sample code HTML:
<div class="guides_chapters_button" onclick="surroundtest('[center]', '[/center]');">Center</div>
<div class="guides_chapters_button" style="text-decoration: underline;" onclick="surround('[u]', '[/u]');">u</div>
<textarea class="guides_chapters_textarea" id="textareamatch" name="matchupm" rows="7" cols="25"></textarea>
window.surround = function surround(text2,text3){
$("#textareamatch").surroundSelectedText(text2, text3);
function surroundtest(text2,text3){
var c = $(this).parent().next('textarea');
c.surroundSelectedText(text2, text3);
JS FIDDLE: http://jsfiddle.net/qmpY8/1/
What I need working is surroundtest, the other is an example working but using the id. I would love to replace that one because Im usinc cloned objects.