You can now override/extend core classes via packages in newer versions Concrete5 (v.5.6+).
You must add to your package's main controller.php file:
public function on_start(){
$objEnv = Environment::get();
$objEnv->overrideCoreByPackage('blocks/page_list/controller.php', $this);
You don't have to copy over the whole core controller, just declare your new block controller like this:
class PageList extends Concrete5_Controller_Block_Page_List {
public function mymethod() {
(what class you're extending and where you put the file may vary depending on your C5 version - just compare the /concrete/
folder structure and files for reference)
The following C5 forum posts may be of help:
Overriding Core Class with Package
Can A Package Override A Core Library?
A caution, though - if you're hoping to submit to the official C5 marketplace, they generally don't accept Add-Ons with overrides.