I have a dictionary variable having two values which I have retrieved from the DB. I need to update the values in the DB and while updating I need to check whether the updated values exists in the dictionary values or not. How can I compare. So far I have done this much. Please help me whether this is right or wrong.
Retrieving the datas from the DB and stoing it in Dictionary variable "DictionaryName"
For Each row As DataRow In ds.Tables(0).Rows
DictionaryName.Add(row("EngMemID").ToString(), row("EngMemEmail").ToString())
After this I have to compare it with my mew value.
Dim pair As KeyValuePair(Of String, String)
For Each pair In DictionaryName
If DictionaryName.ContainsKey(newMember.EngMemID) Then
---Condition to compare the EmailID's
End If
After comparing the ContainsKey(), how can I compare the old and new Email Id's.
Please help me to compare these two values, from the Dictionary with the new value.
Udhaya S.