from Plugins.Plugin import PluginDescriptor
def autoStart(reason, **kwargs): # starts DURING the Enigma2 booting
if reason == 0: # and kwargs.has_key('session'):
print('PLUGINSTARTDEBUGLOG - autoStart executed , reason == 0 , kwargs.has_key("session") = %s' % kwargs.has_key("session") )
if reason == 1:
print('PLUGINSTARTDEBUGLOG - autoStart executed , reason == 1 , kwargs.has_key("session") = %s' % kwargs.has_key("session") )
def mainStart(session, **kwargs): # starts when the plugin is opened via Plugin-MENU
print('PLUGINSTARTDEBUGLOG - mainStart executed , kwargs.has_key("session") = %s' % kwargs.has_key("session") )
def sessionStart(reason, session): # starts AFTER the Enigma2 booting
if reason == 0:
print('PLUGINSTARTDEBUGLOG - sessionStart executed, reason == 0')
if reason == 1:
print('PLUGINSTARTDEBUGLOG - sessionStart executed, reason == 1')
def Plugins(**kwargs):
""" Register plugin in the plugin menu and prepare the plugin with autostart """
return [
where = PluginDescriptor.WHERE_AUTOSTART, # starts DURING the Enigma2 booting
#where = [PluginDescriptor.WHERE_AUTOSTART , PluginDescriptor.WHERE_SESSIONSTART],
fnc = autoStart),
where = PluginDescriptor.WHERE_SESSIONSTART, # starts AFTER the Enigma2 booting
fnc = sessionStart),
where = PluginDescriptor.WHERE_PLUGINMENU, # starts when the plugin is opened via Plugin-MENU
name = "picons updater",
description = "picon updater for OE2.0",
icon = "images/plugin.png",
fnc = mainStart)