我在一次采访中被问到这个问题。我不知道该怎么做。基本上我有一个布尔矩阵 - 其中 0 表示一个单元格不可访问。给定一个起点和一个目标单元格,我如何构造一条从起点到终点的最短路径,而不会跳过任何不可访问的单元格。您可以在所有四个方向旅行。
我在一次采访中被问到这个问题。我不知道该怎么做。基本上我有一个布尔矩阵 - 其中 0 表示一个单元格不可访问。给定一个起点和一个目标单元格,我如何构造一条从起点到终点的最短路径,而不会跳过任何不可访问的单元格。您可以在所有四个方向旅行。
一个简单的广度优先搜索就足以解决这个问题。这是 Python 中的示例实现。
4 4
1 1 4 4
1 1 0 0
0 1 0 0
0 1 1 0
0 0 1 1
import sys
from collections import deque
sys.stdin = open ("Input.txt", "r")
Table = []
Queue = deque()
Visited = set()
n, m = [int (i) for i in sys.stdin.readline().split()]
startx, starty, endx, endy = [int(i)-1 for i in sys.stdin.readline().split()]
for j in xrange(n): Table.append ([int (i) for i in sys.stdin.readline().split()])
if Table[startx][starty] == 0:
print 0
def process (X, Y, Dist):
if (X == endx and Y == endy):
print Dist + 1
if X + 1 != m and Table[X + 1][Y] and (X + 1, Y) not in Visited:
Queue.append ((X + 1, Y, Dist + 1))
if Y + 1 != n and Table[X][Y + 1] and (X, Y + 1) not in Visited:
Queue.append ((X, Y + 1, Dist + 1))
if X - 1 != -1 and Table[X - 1][Y] and (X - 1, Y) not in Visited:
Queue.append ((X - 1, Y, Dist + 1))
if Y - 1 != -1 and Table[X][Y - 1] and (X, Y - 1) not in Visited:
Queue.append ((X, Y - 1, Dist + 1))
Queue.append ((startx, starty, 0))
while (len(Queue)):
CurrentX, CurrentY, Distance = Queue.popleft()
if ((CurrentX, CurrentY) in Visited): continue
Visited.add ((CurrentX, CurrentY))
process (CurrentX, CurrentY, Distance)
Distance to start cell = 0
Previous cell for start = some not existed cell
Add start cell to queue
Mark start cell as visited
While queue is not empty
Take off cell Y from queue, if cell Y equal to finish cell, exit
Check all possible moves from it (goes Up, Down, Left, Right, except "walls")
For every possible cell adjancent from Y
Check that possible cell X is not visited before
If Yes, mark X as visited and add to queue
Distance to cell X = distance to cell Y + 1
Previous cell in shortest path to cell X = Y
有关更多信息 - 检查维基百科 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breadth-first_search
我会使用一个简单的洪水填充类型算法: -
create array of integers equal in size to boolean array => map
set all values in map to 0
set value at (start x, end x) to 1
found path = false
step = 1
while !found path
for each cell in map where value == step
for each valid adjacent cell
if cell == end position
map [cell] = step
found path = true
end search
end if
if map [adjacent cell] == 0
map [adjacent cell] = step + 1
end if
end for
end for
end while
number of steps between start cell and end cell inclusive == step