I am currently writing a site in Spring, Thymeleaf, JBoss and I am using Spring Tool Suite. The turnaround time is horrible. I have to recompile and package the app, every time I make a change and then push it out to the server. How to make my turnaround time quicker?


2 回答 2


Try JRebel. You can get it free if you spread some social media love for them.


于 2013-08-13T02:38:28.757 回答

Consider using a tool which supports continuous integration, and which supports working on an exploded war file.

For example, sbt supports that mode. It integrates jetty, and the webapp is restarted, if a source file changes (resources like .html, .css and .jsp do not restart the container).

As for details look here: Eclipse + Tomcat - Serve webapp directly from workspace. This question shows other possibilities as well.

If you use EJB features like session beans, you can split your project. If the EJB and pressentation is kept separate, the turn around times for redeploying EJB ears are acceptable.

于 2013-08-13T07:48:01.637 回答