You can do this without using cell arrays at all with bsxfun.
Using Marcin's example data and function:
A =[ 0.5669 0.4315 0.4515 0.7664 0.5923; ...
0.8337 0.7317 0.4898 0.2535 0.7506; ...
0.3321 0.5424 0.4585 0.8004 0.9564];
fun = @(x,y) x*2;
B= bsxfun(fun,A,1);
B =
1.1338 0.8630 0.9030 1.5328 1.1846
1.6674 1.4634 0.9796 0.5070 1.5012
0.6642 1.0848 0.9170 1.6008 1.9128
As Eitan noted, fun above may need to be a wrapper on your 'real' anonymous function so it would be more complete to show my solution as:
fun = @(x) x *2; % Replace with actual anonymous function
fun2 = @(x,y) fun(x); % Wrapper on fun to discard unused 2nd parameter
B= bsxfun(fun2,A,1);