I have a old database in PostgreSQL with multiple primary key.

When I try save any information in these tables, an error occurred because CakePHP trying to get the lastInsertId. Because, as we know, CakePHP doesn't support multiple primary key.

So, I wanna know, how can I disable this functionality/option?

I tried this, but doesn't work as expected.

    array('callbacks' => false, 'validate' => false)

The solution above, works, so I approved the answer. But, I really want a explanation of how can I disable the function lastInsertId in CakePHP in some cases.


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class GroupToUser extends AppModel {

    var $name = 'GroupToUser';
    var $useTable = 'groups_users';

    var $primaryKeyArray = array('user_id','group_id');

    function exists($reset = false) {
        if (!empty($this->__exists) && $reset !== true) {
            return $this->__exists;
        $conditions = array();
        foreach ($this->primaryKeyArray as $pk) {
            if (isset($this->data[$this->alias][$pk]) && $this->data[$this->alias][$pk]) {
                $conditions[$this->alias.'.'.$pk] = $this->data[$this->alias][$pk];
            else {
                $conditions[$this->alias.'.'.$pk] = 0;
        $query = array('conditions' => $conditions, 'fields' => array($this->alias.'.'.$this->primaryKey), 'recursive' => -1, 'callbacks' => false);
        if (is_array($reset)) {
            $query = array_merge($query, $reset);
        if ($exists = $this->find('first', $query)) {
            $this->__exists = 1;
            $this->id = $exists[$this->alias][$this->primaryKey];
            return true;
        else {
            return parent::exists($reset);




于 2013-08-27T09:41:19.057 回答