Preconditions.checkElementIndex(startIndex, personMemberGroupMap.keySet().size(), "Error: Offset exceeds the total number of records that can be displayed");
上面的代码检查给定的索引是否存在于 personMemberGroup 映射中。如果不是,那么我会抛出一条错误消息。然后将此错误消息添加到引发的 IndexOutOfBounds 异常中。
我在 jUnit 中有一个测试用例来测试上述语句。在这个测试用例中,我检查了与异常一起传递的错误消息。
assertEquals("Error: Offset exceeds the total number of records that can be displayed", e.getMessage());
"Error: Offset exceeds the total number of records that can be displayed (3) must be less than size (3)"
该字符串由Preconditions 类中displayed (3) must be less than size (3)