Here are a couple of snippets from my first successful use of the std::for_each() construct:
struct add_to_memory {
void operator()(const boost::tuple<const string&, const string&> &t ) {
add_to_memory(MemoryBank &m) : m_map(m) {};
MemoryBank &m_map;
memorize(Block &block) {
BOOST_FOREACH(D_RecordType_Set::value_type rec_type, record_type_set) {
MD_Zip_Range zipper = block.make_field_value_zip_range(rec_type);
std::for_each(zipper.first, zipper.second, add_to_memory(memory_bank));
I now want to change "memorize" into a function that accepts an additional parameter - a function or functor or whatever it is add_to_memory()
is. But I can't figure out what type to use in the signature.
void scan_block_and_apply_function( Block&, ..?.. );
I'm using [read: "stuck with"] g++ 4.4, so it's safe to say I haven't got c++11. What should the signature be? And how should scan_block_and_apply_function() be called?