使用 Windows 7。通过此处的 PhoneGap 文档中的过程,我最终停留在使用 Eclipse 创建项目的步骤上,但根本原因似乎发生在构建步骤中。正常运行它,我得到一个表明成功的响应,但是使用 -V 标志,我看到了这个输出:
C:\Development\local>phonegap local build android -V
[phonegap] compiling Android...
[phonegap] cordova library for "android" already exists. No need to download. Continuing.
[phonegap] Calling plugman.prepare for platform "android"
cp: dest file already exists: C:\Development\local\platforms\android\assets\www\phonegap.js
[phonegap] Compiling platform "android" with command ""C:\Development\local\platforms\android\cordova\build"" (output to follow)...
[phonegap] Cleaning project...
WARNING: [ --debug | --release | --nobuild ] not specified, defaulting to --debug.
Buildfile: C:\Development\local\platforms\android\build.xml does not exist!
Build failed
[phonegap] Platform "android" compiled successfully.
[phonegap] successfully compiled Android app
我相信我所有的 PATH 变量都已正确设置,我在这里或 phonegap 列表中看到的唯一另一件事表明当项目名称包含空格时存在问题,尽管我的没有。