我有一个 csv 文件,我想做的是创建一个脚本,用户在其中输入源 ip 和目标 ip。一旦在 csv 文件中匹配。它将获取用户输入的所有源 IP 和目标 IP,并计算源 IP 和目标 IP 的用户输入的多个匹配会话之间的时间差。最后,脚本还将计算持续时间的平均值。下面是我的 csv 列 A 数据的示例,但是 csv 有几列,例如时间、源 IP 和目标 IP。我们可以使用包含我们已经需要的三个信息的 A 列,而不是使用三个不同的列。
2013-07-18 04:54:15.871 UDP 172.12.332.11:20547 172.12.332.11:20547 -> 创建忽略 0
2013-07-18 04:54:15.841 UDP -> 创建忽略 0
2013-07-18 04:54:15.831 TCP 172.12.332.11:42547 172.12.332.11:42547
-> 创建忽略 0
下面是我在 python 中的代码,它不再起作用了。现在发生的只是它跳过了 ip 并且什么都不做。请帮我修复,因为我不知道为什么它不起作用。
import sys
from sys import argv
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
script, source, destination, filename = argv #assign the script arguments to variables
line_num = 0 #for keeping track of the current line number
count = 0 #for counting occurrences of source/destination IPs
occurrences = []
#array to store all of the matching occurrences of source/destination IPs
line_array = [] #array to store line numbers
avg = 0 #average
total = 0 #sum of microseconds
#function for converting timedelta to microseconds
def timedelta_to_microtime(td):
return td.microseconds + (td.seconds + td.days * 86400) * 1000000
#use 'try' to catch IOexception
for line in open(filename):
#if the first character is a number, read line
if line[0].isdigit():
if source and destination in line:
#increment counter for each occurrence of matching IP combination
#get the first 23 characters from the line (the date/time)
#and convert it to a datetime object using the "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f"
#format, then add it to the array named "occurrences."
occurrences.append(datetime.strptime(line[:23], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'))
#if the first character is not a number, it's the headers, skip them
line_num += 2
continue #go to next line
line_num += 1 #counter to keep track of line (solely for testing purposes)
#if the script can't find the data file, notify user and terminate
except IOError:
print "\n[ERROR]: Cannot read data file, check file name and try again."
print "\nFound %s matches for [source: %s] and [destination: %s]:\n" % (len(occurrences), source, destination)
if len(occurrences) != 0:
#if there are no occurrences, there aren't any times to show! so don't print this line
print "Time between adjacent connections:\n"
for i in range(len(occurrences)):
if i == 0:
continue #if it is the first slot in the array, continue to next slot (can't subtract from array[0-1] slot)
#find difference in timedate objects (returns difference in timedelta object)
difference = (occurrences[i-1]-occurrences[i])
#for displaying line numbers
time1 = line_array[i-1]
time2 = line_array[i]
#convert timedelta object to microseconds for computing average
time_m = timedelta_to_microtime(difference)
#add current microseconds to existing microseconds
total += time_m
print "Line %s and Line %s: %s" % (time1, time2, difference)
#check to make sure there are things to take the average of
if len(occurrences) != 0:
#compute average
#line read as: total divided by the length of the occurrences array as a float
#minus 1, divided by 1,000,000 (to convert microseconds back into seconds)
avg = (total / float((len(occurrences)-1)))/1000000
print "\nAverage: %s seconds" % (avg)