假设您有一个 2D 瓷砖网格(这是基于 2D 瓷砖的游戏),大多数瓷砖占据 1 个位置,但是一些较大的“对象”可以填充多个位置。我在我的数组上使用索引器来自动将这些对象“引用”到它们的基本图块。因此,如果我在 3,4 处有一个 2x2 对象,并且我访问 4,4,它将自动重定向并获取 3,4 处的图块。但是,如果我需要获取确切的图块,我可以指定一个参数来绕过此功能。(更好地解释我关于 GameDev的老问题)



public class TileWrapper
    public int Width = 0;
    public int Height = 0;
    private Tile[] tiles; //Backing Store
    public TileWrapper()
        tiles = new Tile[Width * Height]; 
    public TileWrapper(int width, int height)
        Width = width;
        Height = height;
        tiles = new Tile[Width * Height];
    /// <summary>
    /// Accessor for tiles
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="x">X Position</param>
    /// <param name="y">Y Position</param>
    /// <param name="overide">Bool to "override" the get, if true, it wont get the reference tile and will bypass the checks</param>
    public Tile this[int x, int y, bool override = false]
             //If we do not want to bypass the checks, AND the current tile is > than 1x1
             if (!override && tiles[y * Width + x].IsLarge)
                return tiles[tiles[y * Width + x].refY * Width + tiles[y * Width + x].refX]; //Use the reference positions to get the main position of the tile
             //If we want to bypass the checks or the tile wasn't large, get the absolute position
                 return tiles[y * Width + x];
             //Same thing for SET
             if (!override && tiles[y * Width + x].IsLarge) //Set base tile if the large tile has a reference
                 tiles[tiles[y * Width + x].refY * Width + tiles[y * Width + x].refX] = value;
             else  //Set absolute tile
                  tiles[y * Width + x] = value;

抱歉,如果使用 2D 到 1D 转换有点难以阅读,但经过一些测试后,看起来在内部使用 1D 数组要快一些。

IsLarge是一个简单地检查一个 tile 是否很大(大于 1x1)的属性


在分析游戏时,我发现磁贴的 get 访问器占用了大量 CPU,每帧获取数百次磁贴用于照明、渲染、碰撞等。


基准测试(英特尔四核 i7 2670QM 上 30k 次迭代的平均值)

Tile t = tiles[100, 100];- 160 ns 和 175 ns 带 2D 内部阵列

Tile t = tiles[100, 100, true];- 137 ns 和 264 ns,带 2D 内部阵列(奇数)



1 回答 1



private class TileRef { public Tile tile; public int X,Y,Width,Height;}

然后有一个二维或锯齿状的 TileRef 数组。连接在一起的组中的所有方块都应包含对同一TileRef对象的引用。这应该使您可以非常快速地找到TileRef与板上任何方块相关联的内容,而无需条件逻辑来处理不同大小的图块。

要构建一个大小为 1 的图块网格:

TileRef[,] tiles;
TileMapper(int xsize, int ysize)
  tiles = new TileRef[xsize,ysize];
  for (int x=0; x < xsize; x++)
    for (int y=0; y < xsize; y++)
      var thisRef = new TileRef();
      thisRef.X = x;
      thisRef.Y = y;
      thisRef.Width = 1;
      thisRef.Height = 1;
      thisRef.Tile = new Tile(); // Make a default tile instance somehow
      tiles[x][y] = thisRef;

To join a bunch of squares together into a blob:

public JoinSquares(int x, int y, int width, int height)
      var thisRef = new TileRef();
      thisRef.X = x;
      thisRef.Y = y;
      thisRef.Width = 1;
      thisRef.Height = 1;
      thisRef.Tile = new Tile(); // Make a default tile instance somehow
      for (i=0; i<width; i++)
        for (j=0; j<height; j++)
          tiles[x+i,y+j] = thisRef;

public SeparateSquares(int x, int y)
      var oldRef = tiles[x,y];
      var width=oldref.Width;
      var height=oldref.Height;

      for (i=0; i<width; i++)
        for (j=0; j<height; j++)
          var thisRef = new TileRef();
          thisRef.X = x+i;
          thisRef.Y = y+j;
          thisRef.Width = 1;
          thisRef.Height = 1;
          thisRef.Tile = new Tile(); // Make a default tile instance somehow
          tiles[x+i,y+j] = thisRef;

To change the `Tile` associated with a "blob", simply

public Tile this[int x, int y]
        return tiles[x,y].Tile;
        tiles[x,y].Tile = value;

循环需要将正方形连接在一起或将它们分开,而不是通过更改其属性来简单地更改与 blob 关联的Tile属性。

于 2013-08-12T17:09:13.377 回答