
再会。我在facebook上做了一个申请。它有画布 URL:http: //v-skladchinu.ru/user/main_choose/

画布页面:http ://apps.facebook.com/f-two-apps

和网站网址:http: //v-skladchinu.ru

但我无法通过画布页面 url 看到任何内容。只是空白页。

t even try to call my server for the application. I put a breackpoint to my code and it looks like facebook doesn在我检查了这种情况之后,我明白了,facebook根本不需要 http://v-skladchinu.ru/user/main_choose/页面。



2 回答 2


You need a valid SSL certificate, not just a self-signed one. a self-signed certificate is telling the browser that you trust yourself, whereas a valid SSL certificate requires another website to verify you're not a spoof.

Just by googleing free SSL certificates, you get some good results. For example, http://cert.startcom.org/ gives you free SSL authentication, and even shows you how to set it up step by step, so I do recommend them. They even insure it for $10'000, which for me is the icing on the cake.

However, if you find out they don't suit your needs there are thousands of other free providers to choose from.

于 2013-08-21T17:27:21.423 回答

您的页面似乎存在 SSL 证书问题。

我已经尝试使用来自https://v-skladchinu.ru:8443/的应用程序,如果我在 Chrome 的警告上单击“继续”,它就可以正常工作。

您可能想尝试一些其他免费的 SSL 网站,例如heroku.com

于 2013-08-21T10:29:38.387 回答