Scala XML(可能很慢且需要内存)
cmbaxter 的答案在技术上是正确的,但可以使用“flatMap that shit”模式进行改进:-)
import io.Source
import xml.pull._
// Make it "def", because the Source is stateful and may be exhausted after it is read
def xmlsrc=Source.fromString("""<Response>
| <Result att1="1" att2="2" att3="3" att4="4" att5="5"/>
| <Result att1="1" att2="2" att3="3" att4="4" att5="5"/>
| <Result att1="1" att2="2" att3="3" att4="4" att5="5"/>
| <Result att1="1" att2="2" att3="3" att4="4" att5="5"/>
| </Response>""")
// Also as "def", because the result is an iterator that may be exhausted
def xmlEr=new XMLEventReader(xmlsrc)
// flatMap keeps the "outer shape" of the type it operates, so we are still dealing with an iterator
def attrs = xmlEr.flatMap{
| case e : EvElemStart => => (a.key, a.value))
| case _ => Iterable.empty
| }
// Now lets look what is inside:
attrs.foreach(println _)
// Or just let's collect all values from "att5"
attrs.collect{ case (name, value) if name == "att5" =>value}.foreach(println _)
缩放 XML(更快,需要更少的内存)
但这不会是最快的方式。与其他解决方案(如基准测试所示)相比,Scala API 非常慢且占用大量内存。但幸运的是,有一个更快、更少内存消耗的解决方案:
import scales.utils._
import ScalesUtils._
import scales.xml._
import ScalesXml._
def xmlsrc=new StringReader("""<Response>
| <Result att1="1" att2="2" att3="3" att4="4" att5="5"/>
| <Result att1="1" att2="2" att3="3" att4="4" att5="5"/>
| <Result att1="1" att2="2" att3="3" att4="4" att5="5"/>
| <Result att1="1" att2="2" att3="3" att4="4" att5="5"/>
| </Response>""")
def pull=pullXml(xmlsrc)
def attributes = pull flatMap {
| case Left(elem : Elem) => elem.attributes
| case _ => Nil
| } map (attr => (, attr.value))
attributes.foreach(println _)
还有Anti XML库,它在基准测试中看起来相当不错,而且似乎有一个非常不错的 API。不幸的是,我无法让它与 Scala 2.10 一起运行,因此我无法提供运行示例。
通过上面的示例,您应该能够编写一个小型测试应用程序。有了这些,您可以运行自己的基准测试。查看上面引用的基准,我想 Scales XML 可能会解决您的问题。但如果没有真正的测量,这真的只是一个猜测。