http://www.ap2x.gbes.co.za/1/1.html 这是有问题的页面
我已经在 firefox、chrome 和 IE 上进行了测试。错误似乎不是特定于浏览器的
$(function() {
// wrap all thumbs in a <div> for the 3x3 grid
$div = null;
$('#thumbs').children().each(function(i) {
if ( i % 9 == 0) {
$div = $( '<div />' );
$div.appendTo( '#thumbs' );
$(this).appendTo( $div );
$(this).addClass( 'itm'+i );
$(this).click(function() {
$('#images').trigger( 'slideTo', [i, 0, true] );
$('#thumbs img.itm0').addClass( 'selected' );
// the big-image carousel
direction: 'up',
circular: false,
infinite: false,
width: 500,
height: 281,
items: 1,
auto: false,
scroll: {
fx: 'directscroll',
onBefore: function() {
var pos = $(this).triggerHandler( 'currentPosition' );
$('#thumbs img').removeClass( 'selected' );
$('#thumbs img.itm'+pos).addClass( 'selected' );
var page = Math.floor( pos / 9 );
$('#thumbs').trigger( 'slideToPage', page );
// the thumbnail-carousel
direction: 'up',
circular: false,
infinite: false,
width: 550,
height: 150,
items: 1,
align: false,
auto: false,